XEN Create Blog

Imagining QR Codes Differently

Written by XEN Create | Jul 20, 2023

The future of QR codes is becoming more colourful and vibrant, breaking free from their traditional black-and-white look. By incorporating generated images, the possibilities are endless.

Review this article and learn how to use two free QR art generators: Hugging Face and Quick QR Art. Additionally, we wanted to share our exploration of creating QR art using Midjourney. Scroll down to view results. 

Let's start with Hugging Face QR Art

  1. Visit the Hugging Face website.
  2. Add your website URL or upload your QR image.
  3. Enhance your QR art by adding prompts and negative prompts, specifying what you want and don't want to see in the generated image.
  4. Click "Run," and within moments, your unique QR art will be ready to captivate and engage.
  5. Experiment with the different parameters below the prompts. For the best experience, start with the default options and gradually adjust the settings while ensuring the QR code remains scannable.


Now, let's move on to Quick QR Art

  1. Start by adding the Quick QR Art Server to your Discord.
  2. Navigate to any #pixel-mL-bot channel within Discord.
  3. Create scannable QR Art using three distinct methods:
    a. Using /qrart b. Using /blend c. Using /generate 
  4. You can utilize the "Scan fix" option to fine-tune your image and enhance its scannability.

Testing ways to create QR art with Midjourney

We explored creating generated QR art with Midjourney, fueled by curiosity and seeking innovative ways to craft intriguing QR codes.

Our first experiment with the /blend feature successfully inserted the QR code into the generated image. The result was intriguing, although it couldn't be scanned.

After a few days, we retried the steps but couldn't reproduce the initial results. Interestingly, the first image copied the QR code pattern instead of including an actual QR code.

To replicate the result of our first experiment, we included the phrase "QR code" in our prompt. The outcome was intriguing, but it wasn't efficient since we needed to manually add the correct QR code to the generated image. We look forward to Midjourney implementing this feature soon.

In conclusion, we suggest using QR Art generators like Hugging Face and QR Quick Art to enhance your QR codes instead of relying solely on Midjourney. These platforms are constantly improving, making it beneficial to explore them occasionally.