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Building a Campaign in HubSpot from Start to Finish

Best Practices


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The Benefits of Downloading our Guide

The term "campaign" can have various meanings but its fundamental purpose is achieving a specific objective. By downloading this guide, you will understand what a HubSpot campaign is, how it can help you, and how to set it up from start to finish. 

The Benefits of Downloading our Guide


Overview of a Campaign from Start to Finish


Typically we categorise the activities in building a Hubspot Campaign into five stages. Click on each stage to see an overview of the essential items in each category.

HubSpot Forms

The first task is to organise the form you will use on your landing page. Here are some key considerations when creating your HubSpot forms:

  • HubSpot Embedded Forms: Use the same form on multiple pages and employ progressive form fields for efficiency.
  • Progressive Form Fields: Switch out known information to prevent overwhelming forms.
  • HubSpot Popup Forms: Promote pages and encourage quick signups with popup forms. Use behavioral targeting for audience relevance.
  • Using Behavioral Targeting on HubSpot Forms: Show forms only where relevant.
HubSpot Forms

HubSpot Lists

HubSpot’s lists tool allows you to create lists of contacts or companies based on various criteria, such as their details, actions, or if they’re in other lists.

Examples of lists you can create include:

  • An active list containing contacts who filled out a specific form.
  • A filtered list based on date ranges, e.g. showing only forms submitted in the last 14 days.
  • Existing contacts who have viewed a particular page.
  • Engaged subscribers who have visited in the last week
  • Lists based on lifecycle stage
HubSpot Lists

HubSpot Files

HubSpot provides a familiar file system for uploading content assets like PDFs, videos, and images. Here are some tips:

  1. Naming Conventions: Employ clear naming conventions to keep your files organised.
  2. Avoid Spaces: It’s better to avoid spaces in filenames; use dashes instead for better compatibility.
  3. Consider Different Versions: For large files, like a 50MB PDF, consider providing a smaller, low-res version (e.g., 4MB) as an option for users with slower internet connections.

When updating or replacing files, use the “Replace file” option. Avoid adding it as a separate file to prevent the need for updating CTA links and other links in emails and thank-you pages.

HubSpot Files

HubSpot Landing Page

In most campaigns, there are usually at least two, sometimes three landing pages:

HubSpot Landing Page
Landing Page (LP)

This page contains the offer and a submission form users can fill out.

HubSpot Thank You Page
Thank You (TY) Page

It thanks users for submitting the form and provides the following steps, such as checking their inbox.

HubSpot Download Page
Download (DL) page

The page has the actual asset to download (e.g. PDF, webinar, etc.. )

Having a Thank You page as your starting point is beneficial, as it streamlines the process and allows for easy linking when you begin working on your landing page. Additionally, remember to include details about the next steps, any other relevant CTAs, and the possibility of collecting further information from users.

HubSpot CTA

What are HubSpot's Call To Action (CTA)?

HubSpot's Call To Action (CTA) is an essential tool to guide users to take specific actions. 

  1. CTAs offer centralised link management and performance tracking.
  2. Function as links to assets such as landing pages, download pages, and PDFs.
  3. Used in emails, on web pages, and within navigation menus to effectively guide users.
HubSpot CTAs



In this eBook (that is being updated regularly), we focus on the IMPLEMENT items of a campaign - all built in HubSpot. By the end of the book you will have a clear knowledge of how to implement the following list of key items for your campaign:

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Understand the significance of Graphic Design in building HubSpot campaigns.

HubSpot forms

HubSpot Forms

Discover the process of creating impactful forms.

HubSpot lists

HubSpot Lists

Understand how Lists are essential for campaign success and effective reporting.

HubSpot files

HubSpot Files

Learn HubSpot's content asset file system and effective usage.

HubSpot landing pages

HubSpot Landing Pages

Uncover the roles of Landing, Thank You, and Download Pages in campaigns.

HubSpot CTAs

HubSpot CTAs

Explore HubSpot's CTA benefits and usage tips.

HubSpot emails

HubSpot Emails

Explore HubSpot campaign emails and grasp their goals and best practices.

HubSpot workflows

HubSpot Workflows

Explore the role of HubSpot Workflows in business scalability and more.

HubSpot campaign

HubSpot Campaign

Learn about the advantages of using HubSpot Campaigns tool.

HubSpot site updates

HubSpot Site Updates

Discover strategic placement of campaign assets for effective promotion.

HubSpot reports and dashboards

HubSpot Reports and Dashboards

Discover how to utilize pre-prepared reports and create custom reports.

Attribution items

Attribution Items

Learn about attribution items.



In this eBook (that is being updated regularly), we focus on the IMPLEMENT items of a campaign - all built in HubSpot. By the end of the book you will have a clear knowledge of how to implement the following list of key items for your campaign:

Graphic Design
HubSpot forms
HubSpot lists
HubSpot files
HubSpot landing pages
Landing pages
HubSpot CTAs
HubSpot emails
HubSpot workflows
HubSpot campaign
HubSpot site updates
site updates
HubSpot reports and dashboards
reports and dashboards
Attribution items

HubSpot Emails

HubSpot Thank You Email
Thank You Email

Simple "thank you" email informing and reassuring form submitters about the next steps

HubSpot Internal Notification Email
Internal Notification Email

Provides alerts with additional contact details for workflow entries, such as original source and IP location.

HubSpot Lead Nurture Email Sequence
Lead Nurture Email Sequence

A Set of automated emails activated by specific actions of a contact.

HubSpot Workflows

Setting up workflows correctly is crucial for future business scalability. Workflows automate a series of actions, including sending emails, creating tasks, generating new objects (e.g., deals, tickets), and even calling other workflows. Workflows consist of three main components:

  1. Entry criteria: this triggers the workflow.
  2. Actions: The automated tasks performed by the workflow.
  3. Settings: Configuration options for unenrollment and specific times to run 
HubSpot Workflows

HubSpot Campaigns

The HubSpot Campaigns tool is valuable because it allows you to tag related marketing assets and content, making it easier to measure the effectiveness of your overall marketing efforts and view campaign attribution.

Some often-overlooked advantages of using the HubSpot Campaigns Tool include:

  • Centralised management of marketing channels
  • Comprehensive view of campaign tasks
  • The ability to assign and track tasks
  • Commenting feature for improved collaboration
HubSpot Campaigns

HubSpot Site Updates


Once campaign assets are in place, they can be strategically positioned across the website for promotion. For time-constrained campaigns, like a webinar happening next month, certain CTAs may appear temporarily in select locations. In contrast, for long-term evergreen campaigns, you can add references in menus, footers and sidebars.

One effective method for promotion, especially on blogs, is to use a banner or CTA in the blog sidebar. Additionally, you can update the navigation menu, homepage with a banner linking to the offer, and the resources page to include the offer among other resources. 

HubSpot Updates

HubSpot Report

One of the advantages of having lists in HubSpot is their use in generating reports. HubSpot provides a range of pre-made reports accessible in the Report Library, and you can also craft your custom reports.

The benefit here is that when you update criteria within a list, these changes automatically reflect in any reports based on that list. Some typical reports you can create (or customize from the Report Library) cover monthly contacts, segmented by original source and lifecycle stage, deals derived from contacts (attributed revenue), and the impact on contacts, deals, and revenue.

HubSpot Reports

HubSpot Dashboards


Dashboards are simply a collection of HubSpot reports. They also have the ability to:

  • Apply filters that affect all the reports on the dashboard, such as setting a date range.
  • Schedule email delivery of the dashboard (individual report scheduling is also available).
  • Share the dashboard to Slack.
  • Include external content, like embedding a YouTube video or a Databox board within a HubSpot Dashboard.
HubSpot Dashboards

Efficiently build a HubSpot campaign today!

Learn everything you need to know to build your own campaign in HubSpot in no time.

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Efficiently build a HubSpot campaign today!